We choose to do our event in the month of April as it is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month!
1 mile/5K run to raise awareness of the dangers of Distracted Driving. Money raised will be used to further educate students and adults alike. Additionally, we provide scholarships for students to continue their secondary education.
The driving safety expo is a great event that includes Kids Korner (because it is NEVER too early to educate on driving safety), Exhibits from Texas A&M Agri-Life Extension Office, Local area law enforcement, DPS, local sponsors, as well as some yummy food and treats. Our goal here is to show everyone in attendance the dangers of distracted driving, seatbelt safety, repercussions of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, to name a few. Some of our exhibits are interactive and hands on and VERY impactful.
**Why do we do this? On March 19, 2019 we lost our daughter, Peyton (19) in a car accident due to a distracted driver. She along with 3 other children were killed up on impact as the driver was going approximately 58 MPH while on his phone. He applied his brakes .06 seconds before hitting them. Had they been paying attention to the road, they would have A - had the opportunity to see this car sitting in the left lane, waiting to turn left and could have moved to the right hand lane (where he should have been to begin with - as it is a requirement to stay in the right lane unless you are passing). We do not want YOUR family or friends to have to suffer the loss we did - nor do we want YOU to be the cause of another family's suffering. So please join us to learn more and always remember to JUST DRIVE - hands on the steering wheel, eyes on the road, and get there alive.
See our website at for more details for each year's event.
Saturday Apr 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Second Saturday in April
Next event: Saturday, April 9, 2022
2022 location is TBD.
The race has a fee - $30 / $40 Virtual
The EXPO is free. There are items available for purchase at the event.
Credit Cards, Cash and VENMO are accepted.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Huntsville Walker County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1327 11th St., Huntsville, TX 77340 – (936) 295-8113 –